Top housekeeping note when using
Please enter the correct information when placing an order, as we verify orders against fraudulent activities. The contact information entered is also how we’ll get in touch for order details and any issues that may arise.

Is it possible that my social account could be banned if I use your services?
No. Our methods are 100% safe and comply with the terms and conditions of all major social websites. The traffic that we generate is genuine and no bots are used.

How do you handle payment processing and security?
We use PayPal to handle all payments processed through our website. PayPal is the safest, fastest payment method online

Do you offer refunds?
Depends on the circumstance in which the buyer is requesting a refund. We strive to satisfy everyone of our customers the best we can. If you feel your expectations have not been met, please contact us at Note: 25% of order is non-refundable processing and handling fee. 

Do you screen all content which is submitted to you?
Yes. To protect the integrity of our service and the satisfaction of our customers, we screen every URL submitted to us to ensure it is quality and unique content, which is not overly-promotional or infringing on our, or our partner’s terms and conditions.

What happens if the content I submit is rejected?
If we reject your content, we will contact you via the email provided and state the reason it was rejected and what you can do to rectify the issue.

How can I guarantee my content is approved?
Any content which is pornographic, racist or excessively-violent will not be approved. The best advice we can give you is to be sure when you place an order you are submitting a high-quality page that is of unique and interesting content.

Can I cancel my order once it’s placed?
Depends on the circumstances. If we have already started promoting your content, then we cannot cancel the order. Orders are processed within 24-48hrs. If you’d like to cancel, we suggest submitting a cancel request within 24 hours of your order. That can be done here or by contacting us at  Note: 25% handing and processing fee is non-refundable.